Call the office to request a sanctuary lamp to burn for a loved one.
A great gift on Father's Day, Mother's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Anniversaries, in Memory, or in gratitude for an answered prayer or more.
Each intention burns for two weeks and is posted on the Sunday Bulletin.
Please allow a 2 week lead time for the process. Intentions are filled on a first come basis and suggested offerings are $12-15 per intention.
Spiritual Work of Mercy
Praying for the living and the dead
A celebration of a particular Mass intention is among one of the many expressions of our Catholic tradition and piety(devotion to God). In doing this, one fulfills the beautiful and commendable practice of one of the several spiritual works of mercy, namely, to pray for the living and the dead, certainly a most appropriate act of piety(reverence).
A Catholic Mass intention is a prayer of thanksgiving and intercession offered to God through the Eucharist during a Catholic Mass. The priest typically has two intentions during a Mass:
to celebrate the Mass according to the Church's rubrics
to apply the Mass's grace to a specific intention or need
Mass intentions are often offered in remembrance of someone who has died, but they can also be offered for living people.
Some examples of intentions include:
Deceased loved ones
Living people who are sick or suffering
Living people who are celebrating a special moment in their life, such as a birthday or anniversary
Catholics believe that the graces that come with having a Mass said for a specific intention are immeasurable, especially for the dead who can no longer pray for themselves.
The practice of offering Mass intentions for the deceased is related to the Catholic belief in purgatory, which states that souls who die in a state of sin must go through a purification process before entering heaven. Many souls have actually appeared to loved ones to ask for Masses to be said for them so that they will be released from purgatory. Since the souls in purgatory are no longer able to pray for themselves, they rely on the prayers and good works of those still on earth to help them enter heaven sooner. Jesus loves them so much that He will often release a soul sooner when such prayers as the mass are offered.
With the mass, we are invited to participate in the glories of Heaven, therefore it is very powerful when a mass is offered for special intentions.
During the Mass, the presider or lector will say, “That the intention of this mass for _______ may be pleasing and acceptable to God” when the intentions are heard.
Mass Intentions for a single Mass are usually combined with others, called collective intentions.Sunday Bulletins are used to publicly inform the faithful of the place and time to freely consent to combining their mass intention with others into a collective intention before the Mass is celebrated. Therefore, we ask that written Mass Intentions be in the church office 2 weeks before the requested mass date to be published in the bulletin and included in the Mass Greeting Announcements.
Weekly deadline - Monday at 12:00pm Noon.
Mention if forliving or deceased, preferred date, time and location(Lyons Point, Morse, Midland), with your name & phone number in case there are any questions. Every effort is made to honor a Mass intention on the preferred date and time requested, however, occasionally a priest’s illness or some other unforeseen circumstance may require the rescheduling of a Mass intention. Please make sure to provide a good contact number.
Call the office or place your written intention in an envelope and send envelope either by: *collection basket during Sunday Mass *Mail it to office at 8021 Lyons Point Hwy, Crowley, LA 70526 *drop at the Lyons Point Rectory/Office (drop box is on the porch at the above address)
NOTE: If you desire a written confirmation, please enclose an email address or a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Mass offering is $5 per intention (stipend), however mass offerings are a free-will gift, not a charge or a fee, any gift amount is appreciated. In previous eras, candles were expensive. The monetary offering helped a poor priest to purchase candles for the masses. Today mass celebrants collect one stipend and the remainder of mass offerings are forwarded to other missions as determined by the pastor or Diocese.
GOOD TO KNOW: The effectiveness of a Mass intention is not dependent upon the bulletin publication or announcement of the intention before the Mass, but it does help others who might desire to avail themselves of the graces of the Mass intention. .
====================================== Mass Intentions are excluded on Good Friday!!!!
There is not a mass celebration(Liturgy of the Eucharist) on GOOD FRIDAY - ONLY a Communion Rite.
A most common question about Good Friday ->>> How can there be a Communion Rite if there is no Liturgy of the Eucharist? The Eucharist for a Communion Rite is consecrated a day earlier traditionally during the Liturgy on Holy Thursday in preparation for Good Friday.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call the office during business hours at 337-783-2968